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Top AI headlines shaping the future

Mar 05
Google Pays Publishers to Test AI Writing Tools

Imagine this: you wake up, grab your coffee, and open your favorite news app. But instead of the usual human-crafted headlines, you see articles churned out by a machine. Sounds like science fiction? Well, Google is taking steps to turn this scenario into reality. The tech giant is currently bankrolling a select group of publishers […]

Mar 05
AI Startup Anthropic launches Claude 3

The world of artificial intelligence is a fast-paced one, with new advancements emerging seemingly every day. In this ever-evolving landscape, AI startup Anthropic has thrown down the gauntlet with the recent launch of Claude 3, a series of foundational language models that promise to push the boundaries of what’s possible. But what exactly is Claude […]

Mar 01
OpenAI & Figure signed an agreement to develop next generation AI models for robots

Remember Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons? Well, move over, Rosie, because the future of robots is about to get a whole lot more intelligent. Buckle up, because OpenAI, the AI research rockstars, and Figure, the humanoid robot builders, just joined forces to create the next generation of robotic minds. Imagine this: robots that can […]

Mar 01
Brave’s Leo AI assistant is rolling out on Android

Brave Unleashes Leo: Privacy-Focused AI Assistant Lands on Android Calling all Android users who value privacy and a seamless browsing experience! Brave, the popular privacy-oriented browser, has just launched its AI assistant, Leo, on the Android platform. This marks a significant step forward for Brave, bringing the power of AI directly to your fingertips while […]

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